Privacy and data security

DNA Testing Privacy and Security measures for MyHeritage DNA
MyHeritage is trusted by more than 55,500,000 users from around the world for safeguarding personal data. We take privacy and data security very seriously to ensure that this trust is well deserved.
DNA Testing Privacy and Security measures for MyHeritage DNA
Only you have access to your raw DNA data and control of your privacy settings
All personal data is secured according to the highest industry standards
Family tree information of living individuals is hidden

Safeguarding your DNA data

DNA testing is done in our world-leading laboratory in Texas, United States. Our lab holds CLIA certification and CAP accreditation — industry gold standards that ensure your data is stored and processed securely and professionally. DNA data is protected by multiple layers of encryption and stored on secure servers.
Only you have access to your raw DNA data and your DNA results
We will never share your personal data with any third parties
You can delete your data permanently at any time
We may use data for research (aggregated and anonymized) only with the user's explicit consent
We're here to answer any privacy or data security questions you may have.

Your privacy is our #1 priority

We recognize that DNA users are the sole owners of their DNA data. We hold no rights to your data. We store it to provide the service including Ethnicity Estimates and DNA Matches, and not for any other purpose. You can delete your data at any time. We never sell, license, or share personal information with third parties. We never use aggregated and anonymized data for research without users' explicit consent.
Order a private and secure DNA test